A/B Test of Charity in Dancing With The Stars

Intro screen to Karmafy in Dancing With The Stars

Intro screen to Karmafy in Dancing With The Stars

The Karmafy Freemium Philanthropy platform was A/B tested in mobile Match-3 game Dancing With The Stars developed by Exient. The extensive A/B testing period was conducted in 10 different countries (including the US/CA) during a 4 month period by letting half of the players see Karmafy while the other half did not. A total of 85.000 new players were part of the test, and the data and usage for the two groups of players was then compared.

The results that came out of the test exceeded all expectations. Players who experienced Karmafy were 9.3% more likely to choose to make a purchase and average user spend was up 41.5% compared to the players without Karmafy.

DWTS Game Revenue vs Game Revenue with Karmafy

DWTS Game Revenue vs Game Revenue with Karmafy

The Karmafy + Charity fee to the game developer came out at around 4% (to charity) + 4% (platform fee). As this resulted in a net positive effect of more than +30% to Exient, the choice to fully roll out Karmafy was an easy one.

“After extensive A/B testing of Karmafy in Dancing With The Stars I was amazed at the positive effect that doing good through Karmafy had on our player engagement. ” -- Nick Harper, Head of Studio at Exient UK.

Based on Bayesian(*) methods, the A/B testing in DWTS shows with statistical significance that the introduction of Karmafy improved conversion rate to paying as well as made an even larger impact on ARPU. With a 99% confidence we can say that Karmafy improved revenues by more than 8% and thereby covered the costs of running Karmafy. With 95% confidence Karmafy improved revenues by 12% or more.


Additionally, as a result of share content being meaningful and contextual to the players’ chosen charities, the Karmafy platform doubled sharing to social media. In addition to this, Dancing With The Stars became part of Karmafy cross promotional network and was thereby promoted, together with the player’s choice of charity, in other games with Karmafy driving additional user acquisition.

“We are extremely happy to see the results come out of the A/B test with Exient and Dancing With The Stars. This really demonstrates that a game developer can make more money by giving to good causes resulting in a win, win, win for player, developer and planet.” -- Michael Schmidt, Head of Product at Karmafy

Charitable Impact

In addition to increasing the developers revenue during the test, the charities were funded for the following

  • 2,935 days of play for a child through Right To Play

  • 95,860 weeks of safe water to a person in need through Water.org

  • 1,214 days of lighting for a rural villager through Barefoot College

  • 28,533 days of fruit and vegetables through KickStart International

  • 219 square meters of land cleared from landmines through APOPO

With each individual item above, each player received personal progress on their own contribution to their chosen cause.


“I am delighted to be able to empower all our players to have a positive impact on the world, simply by playing our game” -- Nick Harper, Head of Studio at Exient UK.


A/B Test Summary

The A/B test of Karmafy in Dancing With The Stars showed the following

  • Statistically significant increase in conversion to paying by 9.3%

  • ARPU increase of 41.5%

  • Cost of running Karmafy at 8%

  • With 99% confidence, ARPU increase covered cost of running Karmafy

  • With 95% confidence, ARPU increased by 12% or more

  • Social Sharing +100%

  • 5 charities received good exposure and funding for their cause

To find out how to include the Karmafy platform in your game, please signup here or contact sales@karmafy.com.


* https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/310840/VWO_SmartStats_technical_whitepaper.pdf